Tag: devops

Chatting With Cloud Specialist With Over 10 Years Of Hands-On Experience With AWS, AWS Community Builder, Self-Published “The Practical AWS IAM Guide” And Co-Authored “The AWS Administration Cookbook.” – Rowan Udell From Brisbane, Australia

Chatting With Cloud Specialist With Over 10 Years Of Hands-On Experience With AWS, AWS Community Builder, Self-Published “The Practical AWS IAM Guide” And Co-Authored “The AWS Administration Cookbook.” – Rowan…

Chatting With Founder Of Barcelona JUG, Co-founder Of JBCNconf- Nacho Cougil About TDD (Test Driven Development), DDD (Domain Driven Design), Clean Code, Extreme Programming (XP) Practices (Refactoring, Simple Design, Pair Programming) And Similar Practices- Who Is From Spain

Chatting With Founder Of Barcelona JUG, Co-founder Of JBCNconf- Nacho Cougil About TDD (Test Driven Development), DDD (Domain Driven Design), Clean Code, Extreme Programming (XP) Practices (Refactoring, Simple Design, Pair…