Create Github Account & Download and Install Visual Studio Code In Laptop

BySai Charan Paloju

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Create Github Account & Download and Install Visual Studio Code In Laptop- Creating new Github account & Installing visual studio code in Laptop, Lets see the process.

  1. Open & Enter your email id & Click on Signup for GitHub  2. Click on Continue 3. Create a password & Click On Continue 4.Enter a username & Click on continue 5. Type y to get updates from Github 6. Verify your account by picking the asked one 8. Click on Create Account 9.A Code will be sent to your email from github, check your email inbox 10.Copy the Code                    11. It will be like this 12. Paste Code on github page 13. 14. Click on Skip personalization 15. Github account has been created and it looks like this 16. Scroll down of the page, You’ll see Visual Studio Code, Click on it 18. Click on Windows(My laptop OS is Windows, You select according to your OS) 19.Left bottom you can see Visual Studio Code is Downloading 20. After Download, Click on Downdrop Arrow and Click on Open 21. Select I agree the agreement & Click on Next 22. Select Create a desktop icon & Click on Next 23. Click On Install 24. Click on Finish 25. This is how Visual Studio Code Looks Like

If you have any doubts, write below

By Sai Charan Paloju

Trained AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Course SAA-C02/Content Writer/Creator, Masters Degree- Software Engineering, Bachelors Degree- Computer Science & Engineering, Youtuber- Host/Interviewer/Content Creator/Video Editor, Podcaster- Host/Interviewer/Content Creator/Editor, Technical Writer, Social Media Manager/Influencer Ex-Professional Cricketer

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