Hosting Database(Database Tier)- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- In computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically. Small databases can be stored on a file system, while large databases are hosted on computer clusters or cloud storage.
- Open EC2 Intance on AWS
- Click on Security Groups, Click on Create Security Group
- Give Security group name, I’m giving databasetiersg, & Description Allow My sql
- Inbound rules, Type- MYSQL/Aurora, Protocol- TCP, Port range 3306, Source-Anywhere, 0.0.0./0, Description- Allow MySQL from anywhere
- Click on Create Security group, Security Group will be created
- Search rds(Managed Relational Database), Click on it
- Click on Create database
- Engine options->Select MySQL
- Engine Version- MySQL 5.7.40(My App Supports this, You Select Accoring to your app)
- Templetates- Free tier(I’m using free tier, you can use depending on your requirement)
- DB instance identifier- databasetierdb, Master username- root, Master Password- admin123, Confirm Password- admin123
- Instance Configuration- db-t3.micro(2 vCPUS, 1 GB RAM), this is enough for my app
- Allocated STORAGE- 20 GB, This is enough for my app
- Existing VPC security group- mydatabasetiersg(here im seclecting security group I created)
- Click on Create database
- Database will be created.
- Open Your App that you got on Github, This is my app
- Click on Code, Copy HTTPS Github link of your App, this is my App
- Connect To EC2 Instance Using Gitbash & Install Git Software on EC2 Instance Using Gitbash, To Install Type sudo yum install git
- Copy Link of your App on Github
- Type sudo git clone <Github App Link> /var/www/html & Press Enter, This Command is to clone App to Document root
- Type Clear & Press Enter, This Command is to clear screen
- Type ls /var/www/html, This command to check what is there in /var/www/html, our app files cloned to this location, we can see it
- Open AWS-> RDS->Databases->databasetierdb(database you created)
- Copy Endpoint
- Type yum -y install mysql php, we are installing mysql & php-mysql
- Type mysql -h <Endpoint> -u <DB Instance Identifier> -p
- Enter Password: admin123 (Database password)
- We are connected to RDS-MySQL Database(5.7.40)
- Type show databases; This is MySQL Command, it means show databases
- Type show tables; This command is to show tables in databases,It says no database selected
- Type use mysql; here we are selecting mysql database from the list of databases, Which means database changed to mysql now, we are on mysql database now
- Type show tables; This command show tables means it shows tables of mysql database, because we are on mysql database in databases, It has 40 rows
- Type desc user; desc means description, user means one table in database, we are seeing the description of the table called user. we can see 45 rows in user table
- Type Select user from user; In User table again we are selecting user with this command. we can see 4 rows in user.
- Type show databases; This command is to see databases. it again shows databases in mysql.
- Type Create database ibm; This command is to create database, ibm is the name of the database we are giving to new database, we are creating this database in mysql database
- Type show databases; we can see all the databases in the list along with ibm database we created.
- Now Open New Gitbash session, Connect with same EC2 Instance, Dont Close the previous Gitbash session.
- Type ls /var/www/html, To See the list in Document root /var/www/html
- You Can see Our App Files Here, health.html index ph.p Licence php style.css
- Type sudo vi /var/www/html/php/db.php, we are creating Text file in php with the name db.php
- Text file is created, Press i, To Come into INSERT MODE(Edit Mode)
- On AWS->Databases-> Database we created-> Copy End point
- Paste End point at servername
- Replace user name & password with root & admin123, Note- this is my database instance name in aws, you write yours
- Press ESC & Type :wq, Press ESC Is to come out of Inset mode, :wq is to save & quit the file, db.php file will be saved on /var/www/html/php
- Type sudo systemctl restart httpd, to restart mysql server
- Copy Ipv4 address of EC2 Instance
- Open New tab Paste The Ipv4 address and Press Enter, You’ll see your app successfully Opened, This is my app Book Store
- On First Gitbash session Type use bookstore;
- Type show tables; to see tables in bookstore
- Type desc books; To see description of books table in bookstore
- Type select book_name from books; to see book name in books table, It shows Empty set, which means no books are there.
- Come to browser, Give a name of the book & name of author & price of it.I’m giving DevOps as book name, Sai as author name, 99 for the cost
- Type Select * from books; to see any books are there in books table, we can see the book name DevOps, author name Sai, Cost 99, which means the data is successfully saved.
- Give another book name, author, cost.I’m giving aws, sai,49
- I’m clicking on Blue color refresh button on the page, we can see number of books created and save with author names and cost of it.
- Come to AWS->RDS
- Click on Databases
- Select the database that you created, my database is dabasetierdb & Go to actions and select delete to delete the database.
- Unselect Create final snapshot, retain automated backups, because i dont the data anymore so im deleting it without creating snapshots or automated backups
- Select Acknowledge, and write delete me, click on delete
- The database i created for my app is deleted on RDS, i will not be charged anymore.
- Also I’m going to EC2 Instance that is created, selecting it & Terminate it, I Terminated the instance, i will not be changed for Ec2 anymore.
if you have any doubts, comment below
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