Docker Crash Course for Absolute Beginners- Sai Charan Paloju
Docker Crash Course for Absolute Beginners- Sai Charan Paloju- we will learn 1. what is docker? why was it created? what problems does it solve? software development before and after…
Technology Services Provider
Docker Crash Course for Absolute Beginners- Sai Charan Paloju- we will learn 1. what is docker? why was it created? what problems does it solve? software development before and after…
Sonar Analysis In Jenkins- DevOps Tools-CI/CD(Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment)-Automation- Lets see how to do sonar Analysis in Jenkins step by step, Jenkins makes Sonar Analysis easier compare to previous…
Jenkins Job-Distributed Build-CI/CD(Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment)-Automation- The Project or Job that is created in Jenkins, if we want to run that project or job in another server(node), we need…
Jenkins Notify Job: Post Build Actions- Email-Notification-CI/CD(Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment)- To get notifications when changes happens in application, you need to follow below steps. If you have any questions…
Jenkins Reports- Post Build Actions- Publish JUnit test result report-CI/CD(Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment)- Automation- Instead of Seeing application test reports in Workspace-target-surefire reports-Test file if you want To See…
Jenkins Plugin Jobs: Source Code Management- Build Triggers(Automatic build(crone), Webhook(Connect Jenkins & Github) – CI/CD- Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment – Automation- Install Github Plugin & Credentials Plugin, Lets see…
Jenkins Job- Build Java Private Github Repository- Automation- Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment – This jenkins job is to Build Java Private Github Repository, Whatever we did in CLI we…
Jenkins Jobs-Automation- Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment -Sai Charan Paloju- Smart Cherrys Thoughts- DevOps Engineer Course- Three jobs implemented here, one is os-info, two is os precise information, third is…
Jenkins Setup- Jenkins Setup Step by step explained, the commands that are required to setup a jenkins server, lets see. if you have any doubts on Jenkins Setup, message me…
Release App With Nexus Tool & Deploy App With Tomcat Tool- Using Nexus tool & Tomcat tool we will deploy app, lets see how it works. Continue
Testing App With SonarQube Tool, Release App With NEXUS Tool– Vulnerability testing with sonarqube tool, storing the artifact with nexus tool- Lets see how its done. If you have doubts…
Software Developer While Building App Fetches The Source Code By Settingup Build Tool Called Maven To Convert Source Code To Binary Code- This is the third step in software development…
Solution For Conflicts while Merging Same File In Github Repository Done From CLI- when two developers are working on same file which is there in a secondary branch, after completion…
Software Developer work flow- Git- Github- CLI- Version control system- Stages- Creating New Respository- Creating files with CLI and pushing it to Github and using AWS EC2 instance for Infrastructure.…
GIT-GITHUB- GUI- VISUAL STUDIO CODE- VERSION CONTROL SYSTEM- STAGES- PUSH- Using Visual Studio code we are going to write some html code and push it to github.
Create Github Account & Download and Install Visual Studio Code In Laptop- Creating new Github account & Installing visual studio code in Laptop, Lets see the process. Open &…
Hosting Database(Database Tier)- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- In computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically. Small databases can be stored on a file system, while…
Demonstrating Application Tier(Middle Tier)- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- In this tier, info collected in the front end(Presentation Tier or User Interface) is processed sometimes against other information in the data tier.…
Hosting Front-End On EC2 Instance- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- we will receive the code of frontend from developers through github app.we will see how to host it on EC2 Instance. To…
Linux Commands from CLI To EC2 Instance- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- These are some main commands used to connect, communicate & do some tasks on Ec2 Instance from CLI(Command Line Interface)…
Connect to EC2 Instance- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- Using SSH Client Software called Gitbash we will connect to EC2 Instance on AWS.SSH or Secure Shell is a network protocol that will…
Creating EC2 Instance- Creating EC2 Instance on AWS Management Console Step by Step Process Explained With Pictures In detail. In simple words, EC2 Instance means a Server, Server means your…
AWS Curriculum– Amazon Web Services, Which Are Important to Learn for any AWS Expert, These are topics which are explained in this this Cloud DevOps Engineer Course. Cloud Concepts Fundaments…