Linux Commands from CLI To EC2 Instance- AWS(Amazon Web Services)

BySai Charan Paloju

Nov 19, 2022 #AmazonEC2Components, #AmazonEC2InstanceTypes, #AmazonElasticBlockStorage-EBS, #AmazonElasticFileSystem-EFS, #AmazonMachineImages(AMI), #AmazonS3WebHosting, #AmazonSimpleStorageService-S3, #ApplicationLoadBalancer, #AttachLoadBalancertoAutoScaling, #AutoScalingGroups, #AWS Command Line Interface, #AWS Curriculum, #AWS Database Management, #AWS High Availability, #AWS Monitoring, #AWS Networking, #AWS Server Management, #AWS Storage Management, #AWSAvailabilityZones, #AWSCLIConfigurations, #AWSCLIFeatures, #AWSCommandLineInterface, #AWSDatabaseManagement, #AWSHighAvailability, #AWSInternetGateway, #AWSManagementConsole, #AWSMonitoring, #AWSNetworking, #AWSRegions, #AWSServerManagement, #AWSStorageManagement, #Backups-SNAPSHOTS, #Cloud Concepts, #Cloud DevOps Engineer Course, #CloudConcepts, #CloudProviders-AWSvsAZUREvsGCP, #CloudwatchAlarms, #CloudwatchDashboards, #ConfigureAWSCLI, #ConfigureEmailForHighCPUUsage, #ConfiguringFirewallsForEFSAccess, #CreatePAASMySQLDatabase, #CreatingaCustomVPCUsingAWSCLI, #CreatingDownScalePolicy, #CreatingUpScalePolicy, #CustomAmazonMachineImages, #Database&Tables, #DatabaseConcepts, #DefinethebenefitsoftheAWScloudincluding, #DeployingWebApplicationsOnEC2Instance, #DesigningCustomVPC-ClientRequirement, #DesigningHighlyAvailableVPC, #DesktopsvsServers, #EBSADDITIONALVolume, #EBSROOTVolume, #EBSVolumeTypes, #EBSvsEFSvsS3, #EC2IPAddressTypesPublicvsPrivatevsElastic, #Elasticity, #FundamentsofCloudComputing, #HighAvailability, #IAASvsPAASvsSAAS-CloudOfferings, #IAMOverview, #IAMPolicies, #IAMUsers, #ImplementingApplicationLoadBalancer, #InfrastructureAsAService(IAAS), #InstallAWSCLIonCentOS, #IntroductiontoLoadBalancing, #IntroductiontoScalability, #LaunchConfigurations, #LogicalDataCenters, #Monitoring-Cloudwatch, #NetworkingBasics-Protocol-Port-Firewall, #Pay-as-yougopricing, #PlatformAsAService(PAAS), #ProvisionEFSFileSystem, #RelationalDatabaseService(RDS)-Features, #Reliability, #sai charan paloju, #Scalability, #Security, #SetupJavaWebApplication-PAASMySQL, #SharedFileAccessacrossMultipleInstances, #SharesFileAccessacrossMultipleAvailabilityZones, #SimpleNotificationService-SNS, #smart cherrys tech, #smart cherrys thoughts, #SoftwareAsAService(SAAS), #SSHSoftware's-GitBash&Putty&Terminal, #TakeEC2ActionUsing-CloudWatch, #TraditionalNetworkingComponents, #UnderstandingCLIReference, #UnderstandingDefaultVPC, #UnderstandingRequirementsFromClient, #VPCNACL's, #VPCPublicSubnets, #VPCRouteTables, #VPCSecurityGroups, #VPCSubnetting, #WalkthroughAWSFreeTierAccount, #WorkwithSSHKeyPairs

Linux Commands from CLI To EC2 Instance- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- These are some main commands used to connect, communicate & do some tasks on Ec2 Instance from CLI(Command Line Interface)

  1. ssh -i mywebserver.pem username@ipaddress is to connect to ec2 instance from ssh client software(gitbash,putty,terminal…) 
  2. uname is to check whether ssh client software is connected to ec2 instance on aws, If it shows Linux which means i connect to my linux instance
  3. cat /etc/os-release is to check the Operating system Details 
  4. cat /proc/cpuinfo is to check cpu information
  5. free -m is to check RAM information
  6. df -h is to check Disk Information
  7. ls / is to check root directory
  8. ls /bin is to check program files
  9. ls /etc is to check configuration
  10. pwd is to check directory present work
  11. ls is to list all the files in the directory
  12. vi <<TEXT FILE NAME>> is to Create New Text FilePress i   to get Into Insert Mode on VI  Then Write Some Text
  13. Press ECE To Come Out of Insert Mode
  14. :w is to save the Text fileText file is saved now
  15. :wq is to Save Text File & Quit The File
  16. vi <<Text file name>> is to list files to view to opentext file on VI(virtual editor)
  17. :q is to quit the Text File
  18. :q! is to quit without saving changes on Text File
  19. cat <<Text file name>>  is to just view the VI file content
  20. ls is list files
  21. sudo mkdir <<new directory name>> is to create new directory in other than home directory
  22. ls is for listing files
  23. sudo vi <<new text file name>> is for creating new file in other than home directory
  24. :wq is for saving and quitting the text file
  25. ls is for List files
  26. cd ~ is for going to home directory,  
  27. pwd is for checking present directory location

By Sai Charan Paloju

Trained AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Course SAA-C02/Content Writer/Creator, Masters Degree- Software Engineering, Bachelors Degree- Computer Science & Engineering, Youtuber- Host/Interviewer/Content Creator/Video Editor, Podcaster- Host/Interviewer/Content Creator/Editor, Technical Writer, Social Media Manager/Influencer Ex-Professional Cricketer

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