Linux Commands from CLI To EC2 Instance- AWS(Amazon Web Services)- These are some main commands used to connect, communicate & do some tasks on Ec2 Instance from CLI(Command Line Interface)
- ssh -i mywebserver.pem username@ipaddress is to connect to ec2 instance from ssh client software(gitbash,putty,terminal…)
- uname is to check whether ssh client software is connected to ec2 instance on aws, If it shows Linux which means i connect to my linux instance
- cat /etc/os-release is to check the Operating system Details
- cat /proc/cpuinfo is to check cpu information
- free -m is to check RAM information
- df -h is to check Disk Information
- ls / is to check root directory
- ls /bin is to check program files
- ls /etc is to check configuration
- pwd is to check directory present work
- ls is to list all the files in the directory
- vi <<TEXT FILE NAME>> is to Create New Text File
Press i to get Into Insert Mode on VI
Then Write Some Text
- Press ECE To Come Out of Insert Mode
- :w is to save the Text file
Text file is saved now
- :wq is to Save Text File & Quit The File
- vi <<Text file name>> is to list files to view to opentext file on VI(virtual editor)
- :q is to quit the Text File
- :q! is to quit without saving changes on Text File
- cat <<Text file name>> is to just view the VI file content
- ls is list files
- sudo mkdir <<new directory name>> is to create new directory in other than home directory
- ls is for listing files
- sudo vi <<new text file name>> is for creating new file in other than home directory
- :wq is for saving and quitting the text file
- ls is for List files
- cd ~ is for going to home directory,
- pwd is for checking present directory location
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